Adways is making full use of our assets to make innovations not only in our main internet ad service but also in every kind of business fields.
Innovation, speed and scale-these are the most important criteria when making an investment decision.
The environment surrounding Japanese startups has changed drastically as several billions funding and high-valued M&A cases have been seen these days.
Startups make innovations happen. We are building a new future for startups where they can get support not only from venture capitals but also business companies.
Adways' business is not only what we have now. Supporting business of startups and making innovations is also our mission. That is why we keep investments.
We will WOW the world and become an "OMG, This is Amazing!" company through our investment business.
In 2001, Adways was founded. Now after 15 years, we have grown to become a leading mobile app marketing company where 1,000+ multi-national employees are working in 10 countries and regions.
Strategic return is much more important than financial return. We are here to support small businesses in this cutting-edge internet field which can create a synergy with Adways.
Investment Scope
We are looking for ambitious IT companies which can generate a synergy with Adways.
Our main focus is Ad technology/ Mobile+Tablet contents / B2B/ Ecommerce/ Data mining/ Video/ IoT/ Fintech and VR.
Investment Policy
The stage of company does not mind us. The early-stage companies are welcomed.
Adways never forgets about our venture spirit. We do care about the investment return and our financial status. But, more importantly, our investment decision will be made based on whether we can grow together with startups. We will support small companies that can create a new synergy with us and generate a win-win situation in future.
Our Advantage
Support for overseas expansion
China, Korea, Taiwan, Vietnam, India and more, Adways' global network and local know-how will support startups' expansion in Asian countries.
Collaboration with other companies
We will build a win-win business cooperation by getting the most out of our assets.
Main Investment company
To maximize startups' company value, Adways Ventures will provide management resources in a timely manner by using our wide know-how and network gained after more than 10 years of experience in the industry.

Atmoph Inc
A smart window that connects you to the world. Atmoph Window.
Anyup Inc.
Wovn Technologies, Inc.
Website localization tool, WOVN.io
Capsule Japan Inc.
Livecast marketing in Taiwan
Kanmu, Inc.
Card linked offer service
Omni-channel paltform
"Gotcha!mall" -
CLUE, Inc.
Software development for drones
Sumally Inc.
SNS "Sumally"
C1X Inc.
Digital advertising hybrid
engine "Programmatic Direct" -
Jiraffe Inc.
Trade in price comparison service "Hikakaku"
Symmetry Dimensions Inc.
VR images,sound,UI/UX system,
contents development -
Artificial intelligence
fashin app "SENSY" -
TimEat Inc.
One stop service provider for virtual influencers
TouchSpot Inc.
Digital marketing solution by interactive movie
Daylight Studios Pte. Ltd.
Helping game developers
around the world
for entering Southeast Asia -
Tetavi Ltd
Volumetric video capture technology
Short movie production agency
Youtube marketing & content
Balus CO., LTD.
Operation of the live platform "SPWN"
whomor Inc.
Illustration, manga, 3DCG &
2D animation production service -
flashpark Co. Ltd.
Ecommerce site
"BirthdayPress" -
Holiday Inc.
One stop service for traveling
BONX, the Ultra-versatile Sound Technology
Mawari Inc.
Creative + Data Management Platform
Online hobby classes "miroom"
RoomClip Inc.
Interior photo platform "RoomClip"
Rei-Frontier Inc.
Lifelog app "SilentLog"
Rentio Inc.
Make renting impressively simple
Location base marketing with
iBeacon and e-receipts -
Wondershake, Inc.
Content curation app
"Locari" -
Wonder League corporation

Affle Holdings Pte. Ltd.
Affle's end-to-end
mobile platform -
AppVador Inc.
Video advertisement distribution network for mobile
Amazia, inc.
Comic app
"Manga BANG!" -
VTuber Project
m-up, Inc.
gumi Inc.
coconala Inc.
Online Market
"coconala" -
Kokopelli Inc.
SME management support platform "SHARES"
Scigineer Inc.
Personalized recommendation
engine "Deqwars" -
Zawatt Inc.
Auction site "SUMAOKU"
Shiroyagi corporation inc.
Content curation app "KAMERIO"
Startouts Inc.
mogoo - Cooking recipes video media
smarby, Inc.
Baby clothing ecommerce site "smarby"
tattva, inc.
SNS "i.ntere.st"
Net Marketing Co., Ltd.
Internet ad & media service
Hirose Tusyo Inc.
FinTech "LION FX"
Marketing automation platform
5Rocks, Inc.
Business Intelligence tools for mobile gaming developers
Pocket Concierge Inc.
High-end restaurant reservation and Payment service “Pocket Concierge”
MUSE & Co.,Ltd
Online shopping website"MUSE&Co."
mobcast inc.
Unicon PTE. Ltd.
Gamers community &
messaging app "RockU Talk" -
Crowdsourcing & media service
Rooter Inc.
Web data aggregation
Company Profile
Company name | ADWAYS Ventures, Inc. |
Stockholder | Adways Inc.(100%) |
Board of Directors | CEO Sho Yamada Director Akihiko Nishioka Director Nobuyoshi Noda Director Bumpei Tateno Auditor Yoichi Tanaka |
Founded | 28 February 2011 |
Capital | JPY85,000,000 |
Business | Corporate Venture Capital |
Address | 5F Sumitomo Fudousan Shinjuku First Tower, 5-1-1 | Nishi-Shinjuku, Shinjuku, Tokyo 1600023, Japan |